My work draws upon seemingly small observations from daily life as a point for inquiry and investigation into the ways in which humans influence and alter the natural world. In particular, I am interested in the human capacity to physically shape environment, to make claim to earth that must inherently be shared, and the subtle, observable ways nature adapts and responds. Through this lens, I attempt to draw focus to the often overlooked connections shared between all life forms and use beauty as an entry for experiencing and processing the transient nature of being.
My work makes the claim that culture and nature ought not to exist in mutual opposition, but rather in accordance with each other. Therefore, I believe it is imperative that we seriously consider the impact of our actions, however small, in shaping our relationship to our proximal and distant surroundings. Whenever possible, I practice natural and historic production methods, such as natural dyeing and hand papermaking, as a means to produce cohesive work that is sensitive to the preservation of material resources and processes. Transience and decay are not only of the natural world, but are also of the material culture we construct. Through both research and practice, I attempt to capture and reflect the temporal essence of the ephemeral, as a means to preserve what might otherwise be lost.
Anne Covell received her MFA in Book Arts from the University of Iowa Center for the Book where she studied letterpress printing, bookbinding, and hand papermaking on an Iowa Arts Fellowship. She has taught courses for the University of Georgia Study Abroad Program in Cortona, Italy and the University of Iowa Center for the Book, and has taught workshops throughout the country, including most recently at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. Her artists’ books are housed in over 40 museum and library collections worldwide including the Yale University Arts Library, the National Library of Chile, and the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art. She currently resides in San Diego, CA.
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